Easter lunch

stomachs filled
tall grass and weed
barricade to a heavy body
damn easter lunch hadn’t gone through
the haze clinching on my forehead

the rusty handle, the blunt reaper’s blade
I stood on the top his gate
a brain shake
a void that seemed to grow deeper
girls disappear
cars zooming nearby circles
trespassing into the outer world
territories of deciduous tarmac
bloated head down to shaky limbs
I grope him

lurking through broken windows
the air of the city brushing the plastic bands
televisions sets at forgotten bays
resonate in a headache
eyes closed to release a ton of debris


“1974, Il Gazettino”
murmuring city of plastic bands


dust reflections
russian doll doors
smaller and smaller
a yellow cargo crane in a house
who pressed the green button?

corporate debris
build anew and leave it to compost
fuck the rots of mass-production
fuck fuck fuck over the birds under your feet
sacrificed martyrs malgré-eux
get your excess calories
drink your protein shake
muscle queens don't give a damn
fuck the birds we had for easter lunch